Essential Home Staging Tips

The practice of staging homes for sale has evolved over the past decade. Some ideas have changed, while others remain the same. The following is a list of current staging tips from the pros:
REDUCE CLUTTER Long considered one of the most vital aspects of preparing a home for sale, it may be more important than ever to tidy up and sell, store, donate or dispose of unnecessary goods.
CLEAN OUT CLOSETS The advice to declutter extends to your closets. Having space to spare makes them look larger.
A NEW COAT OF PAINT It makes a place look clean and fresh. Meridith Baer, a stager, said it’s the best money you can spend on staging.
EMBRACE THE ACCENT WALL While most walls should be painted neutral hues, some stagers now use a bold color or wallpaper on a single wall.
EDIT PERSONAL PHOTOS Stagers used to recommend removing all personal photos. Now, many say it’s acceptable to leave some photos if they are pleasant or evocative images in handsome frames.
NIX THE STAGE SET Setting the dining table with plates, cutlery and glasses, or placing a breakfast tray at the foot of the bed appears too contrived to savvy buyers.
REPLACE TRADITIONAL FURNITURE Rent or buy inexpensive contemporary furniture to stand in for pieces that appear dark, heavy, old or ornate.
NEW TOWELS AND LINENS Fresh, fluffy towels and crisp white bed linens are an inexpensive way to suggest luxury.
AVOID SCENTS Smells that are pleasing to you may be off-putting to potential buyers. Avoid scented candles, fragrant flowers and baking or cooking right before showings.
McKeough, Tim. "Essential Home Staging Tips." NY Times. 22 January 2016.