9 Ways to Use the Internet to Make Friends After You Move
It’s a conundrum of life that the older you get, the more difficult it becomes to establish new friendships. Sure, you probably still...
How to Say Goodbye to Your Neighbors When You Move
Moving can be a complicated part of life that involves a mixed bag of emotions. From the planning to the organizing to finding the right...
5 Types of Roommates and How to Handle Them
One day, you wake up and do the math. To afford the better things in life — a nice apartment, travel, luxury car, Prada — you need to...
12 Things That Make a Neighborhood Truly Great
When you are in the market for a new place to live, it helps to remember the golden rule of real estate: You’re not just buying or...
What’s More Important: The Size of a Home or Its Location?
When it comes to purchasing a home, what’s more important: the size or the location? While both are crucial factors, the one that’s most...
8 Simple Ways to Make Your Neighborhood a Safer Place
Long gone are the days where all the neighborhood kids played kick-the can in the middle of the street each summer night. Whether you...
How to Introduce Yourself to New Neighbors After Moving
Just because you have an opportunity to meet your new neighbors after you move into the neighborhood doesn't necessarily make it easier...
How To Choose A Neighborhood
If houses are like spouses, a neighborhood is like the extended family. But while you can have a good marriage and still dread holidays...