15 Brilliant Ways to Keep Your Home Cool Without Air Conditioning
It turns out there are plenty of ways to buffer your home from the heat without racking up your electric bill...

5 Ways to Save Money When You're On a Tight Budget
For most renters, putting away enough money for a security deposit and first and last month's rent is hard enough. What about saving for...

HOA Dues: What You Need to Know Before Buying
Homeowners Association (HOA) dues help you share costs with others in your community. But HOA payments can add a significant amount to...

The Huge Risk Home Buyers Take When They Waive Inspections
When you're trying to make your offer as attractive as possible, skipping the inspection may seem like a good idea. Here's why it's not....

Credit Scores and Buying Houses
What credit score is needed to buy a house? Ah, the dreaded credit score. It’s one of the biggest criteria considered by lenders in the...

Generation Z is Already Saving Up for Homeownership
While more millennials are gradually becoming homeowners, Generation Z isn’t far behind and is already preparing to jump into the market...

The Best Time to Buy a House
The best time to buy a house has long been considered the spring and summer. Meanwhile, their seasonal sibling, fall, often gets tossed...

The Scam of the 1%
Have you heard that you can sell your home with an agent for 1% of the sale price? Have you also read the fine print? There may be some info

How To Lower Your Energy Bill
Energy bill too high? It might be time to consider the physics behind your energy use. The scientific attributes of heat and energy mean...

Save For A House In One Year
It's the American Dream to own a home. However, this requires a substantial amount in savings for a downpayment and well, it's sometimes...